Climate Change Impact in Flores Island, a Dry Region in Indonesia


  • Cilcia Kusumastuti Department of Civil Engineering, Petra Christian University
  • Dicky Gode Department of Civil Engineering, Petra Christian University
  • Yobella Febe Kurnianto Department of Civil Engineering, Petra Christian University
  • Frederik Jones Syaranamual Department of Civil Engineering, Petra Christian University



Climate change, dry region, Mann-Kendall’s test, rainfall trend, t-test


Climate change impacts have gained great attention to be studied in various fields. In this paper, an investigation of rainfall pattern change is performed using three statistical methods, i.e., simple linear regression, t-test, and Mann-Kendall’s test. The analysis is performed at 10- and 20-year time scales of daily, monthly, and annual rainfall in Flores Island, a dry region in Indonesia. In general, an increasing monthly rainfall trend is detected in the rainy season (October – April) at a 20-year period, using all three methods. Specifically, a significant increasing trend in March 1989 – 2008 is observed, and it contributes to the significant increasing trend of annual rainfall.  The findings presented in this paper should be an alert for potential climate change impacts in the region. The positive consideration of having more rainfall in a dry region might turn into a negative reality when adaptation measures are not well-prepared.


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How to Cite

Kusumastuti, C. ., Gode, D. ., Kurnianto, Y. F. ., & Syaranamual, F. J. . (2021). Climate Change Impact in Flores Island, a Dry Region in Indonesia . Civil Engineering Dimension, 23(1), 20-27.


