Effect of the Rise in Online Motorcycle Taxi Services on the Number of Motorcycles using the Interrupted Time Series Method


  • Yovita Fabriska Laras Anindityas Parahyangan Catholic University
  • M. Rizki Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  • T.B. Joewono Parahyangan Catholic University




number of motorcycles, government policy, online motorcycle taxis, interrupted time series method


The substantial growth of motorcycle users in Indonesia is hypothesized to be influenced by a government policy on motorcycle purchase waivers and the massive growth of online motorcycle taxis. This study aims to analyse the relationship between the emergence of online motorcycle taxis and government policy changes towards the number of motorcycles and compare the estimation model seen from the consumer and sales sides. The data were collected from the Indonesian Bureau of Statistics, Motorcycle Industry Association, and World Bank. Several estimation models were built using the interrupted time series method. The results showed that changes in government policy and income per capita significantly increased the number of motorcycles. However, the emergence of online motorcycle taxis negatively affected the increasing number of motorcycles. The results also showed that models with data representing motorcycle usage behavior provided better results than the model with motorcycle sales.


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How to Cite

Anindityas, Y. F. L., Rizki, M., & Joewono, T. (2021). Effect of the Rise in Online Motorcycle Taxi Services on the Number of Motorcycles using the Interrupted Time Series Method. Civil Engineering Dimension, 23(2), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.9744/ced.23.2.123-130