Application of Modified-Partial Capacity Design Method on 6- and 15-story Square Buildings with Variation in number of Elastic Columns


  • Pamuda Pudjisuryadi Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • Benjamin Lumantarna Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • Fransisca Wijaya Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • C. Aphrodita Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • A. Jesica Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • Y. Karyanto Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University
  • M.K. Theodora Department of Civil Engineering Petra Christian University



Modified-partial capacity design, partial side sway mechanism, structural analysis, elastic column, plastic column


Modified-Partial Capacity Design (M-PCD) is proposed as one alternative of structural design methods. In M-PCD, the partial side sway mechanism where beams and some columns may develop plastic hinges. This method uses two structural models during the design process. The models are used to simulate undamaged and damaged structures when subjected to design earthquake (R=8.0) and larger target earthquake (R=1.6) respectively. In this study, 6- and 15-story square buildings with 30% and 50% elastic column are designed using M-PCD. Performances of the buildings are investigated by using non-linear time history analysis. Results show that the buildings’ performances are still unsatisfactory, especially for the 15-story buildings. However, it should be noted that the levels of earthquakes used for the analysis were larger than that used for the design. A more accurate prediction of the required strength should be developed further to improve M-PCD.


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How to Cite

Pudjisuryadi, P., Lumantarna, B., Wijaya, F., Aphrodita, C., Jesica, A., Karyanto, Y., & Theodora, M. (2022). Application of Modified-Partial Capacity Design Method on 6- and 15-story Square Buildings with Variation in number of Elastic Columns. Civil Engineering Dimension, 24(1), 46-53.




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